@Plebeian Market Trying out plebeian.market to sell a book. I'm loving the UI/UX both from the seller and buyer point of view. My takeaways... While trying to "buy" my own product as a logged out "customer", I went through the checkout, filled crrdlx Nov 27, 2024, 2:43 PM
bitcoingroundhogday "Bitcoin Faces Volatility but Analysts Remain Bullish on Future Growth" - Bitcoin journalists pro tip: just copy this headline to paste in every few days...just to save time in reporting. 🥱 #bitcoingroundhogday… crrdlx Nov 26, 2024, 5:47 PM
#asknostr Using nos2x or flamingo or nostr connect, I can't switch between multiple accounts/nsecs? This should be easy but I'm not seeing it. #asknostr… crrdlx Nov 26, 2024, 4:31 PM
I use the mostr relay, it worked fairly well before. I've kind of forgot the following part...like go to mastodon then follow a newly generated account or something. It took me a while.… crrdlx Nov 25, 2024, 5:29 PM
asknostr If anyone has some nostr-to-mastodon bridge advice, I'd love to hear. I had it set up and working but the mastodon server I used got too unreliable. So...back to square one. I'm striking out with the instructions on mostr.pub #asknostr #grownostr… crrdlx Nov 25, 2024, 2:35 PM
mastodon The nuisance #mastodon server I'd been using finally became sketchy enough that I said forget it. So, new mastodon account on new server: Why is mastodon so hard to figure out? Anyway, I'm now trying to set up the #nostr to mastodon bridge, again. It was crrdlx Nov 25, 2024, 2:18 PM