economics This USA-Japan dollar-yen swap is triggering off my bologna-economics meter. So, if I understand correctly... US sends dollars to Japan, Japan sends Yen to US. (US "bought" Yen with dollars) Assumption: this will help stabilize the Japanese financial situation and... Assumption: ...thus strengthen the Yen. crrdlx May 10, 2024, 2:48 PM
whatiseenow My wife drags me around places and I (too) often grumble. I guess I shouldn't complain - sitting at a rooftop bar with this view. Ironically, we're heading to church afterwards for an Ascension service. #whatiseenow #plebchain… crrdlx May 9, 2024, 9:24 PM
cycling Went for a bike ride to get a pic. Got this. Maybe a homesteader of watersteader, maybe just a base to fish from. Either way, a person doing their thing. Freedom is good. .jpg #cycling #plebchain… crrdlx May 8, 2024, 11:58 PM
Just decided...I'm gonna to take a walk and post a pic. Then altered it to...I'm gonna take a quick bike ride and post a pic. Not sure what I'm gonna get.… crrdlx May 8, 2024, 10:45 PM
nostr Just read a note here on #nostr and was inspired to scratch this out: After seeing something...the % I understand: After reflecting, I think I went too high on my nostr estimate. #dogs… crrdlx May 8, 2024, 6:41 PM
nostr Was reading @Gigi's 21 Lesssons and lesson 16 reminded me of a Web of Trust and how important it is. The reference was made that even open source code isn't entirely good enough. Bitcoiners don't like to trust anyone or anything aside from math crrdlx May 8, 2024, 1:48 PM