christian Evidently, Easter is celebrated today by the Orthodox #Christian church. Both the "Orthodox" and Catholic/Protestant lines celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but differ on calendars. In fact, traditional Sunday worship is commemorative of Easter Sunday...every Sunday is a mini Easter (as every day should be as crrdlx May 5, 2024, 5:00 PM
nostr Well, I knew my 1 year Nostr "hatchday" was coming up soon, but didn't know it was just two days away. Although I was totally clueless about Nostr at the time (and still very much learning), I did have enough sense to realize this was something crrdlx May 4, 2024, 1:23 PM
nostr Added to the #Nostr wishlist: A “nostr since” or “nostrich hatchday” date displayed by usernames.… crrdlx May 4, 2024, 10:24 AM
wisdom Last night my wife and I went for a drive. She was talking sweetly about plans for "when we retire." One plan was to begin after I get through this "bitcoin phase." My brain thought, "You never get over the bitcoin phase. Once orange-pilled, crrdlx May 4, 2024, 10:05 AM
nostr Adding to the Nostr wishlist: I wish nostr had a “remind me…” tool to generate a reminder on a set date and time. #nostr #grownostr… crrdlx May 3, 2024, 8:24 PM
bitcoin The last moon pics I took were during the eclipse (the experience was great, the photos were terrible). Paused while riding my bicycle to work and snapped this one just before sunrise today. For some reason, maybe the way the plants seem to be reaching upward, I recalled the " crrdlx May 3, 2024, 11:58 AM
nostr Kudos to (and @ hodlbod?) for buidling in a web-of-trust score and placing it beside each Nostr user's avatar. Being able to give a glance at a user's score has value. I think brainstorming a semi-standard WoT score would be helpful for Nostr at crrdlx May 2, 2024, 10:57 PM