Plan: wake up and go to church. Reality: wake up with terrible rash (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?), go to urgent care, get a painful steroid shot, take meds, go to pharmacy, get steroid pills for upcoming week. Result: 😟… crrdlx Apr 28, 2024, 11:02 PM
movies Been years, but I watched "Dave" (1993) again. That movie is just great. #movies… crrdlx Apr 27, 2024, 2:22 PM
grownostr What's missing and needs to be added to the Nostr Wiki? #grownostr #plebchain… crrdlx Apr 27, 2024, 1:26 PM
bitcoin Finally got around to going even more minimalist on the Satoshi Bitcoin Converter app. Went back to its origins: BTC and sats only. Before and after: Full write up about why the switch at. (Some artsy pics too.) #bitcoin #plebchain… crrdlx Apr 27, 2024, 11:55 AM
After a week of work...finally got home on a Friday...whew! Then the wife says, "We're going out to an art opening and then an outdoor movie." Wait, what? That's okay though...two fun things. 😄… crrdlx Apr 26, 2024, 8:30 PM
nostr I've tested a few times, never had any luck. Most recently, my "Test" note15a6ufyzezt7n5rqevulfv2quwa7yr58t674pr9gt3j24fl04s2dsc33yhy was put into the site above, enter. It seems to "go through." Yet, over at the event a775c4905912fd3a0c19673e96281c777c41d0ebd7aa11950b8c9554fdf5829b shows it's still there (plus, it's still there crrdlx Apr 26, 2024, 5:18 PM
nostr I wish I would have started on Nostr with by signing up in a place that gives a BIP-39 twelve word seed phrase. Is there any way to smoothly switch or decipher my seed phrase from my nsec or hex priv key? This would be a good suggestion for… crrdlx Apr 25, 2024, 9:58 PM
bitcoin I thought the "Buy Bitcoin" sign auction was a good deal, but then... ...the halving into epoch 5 and the "epic" sat (the first sat in the block) evidently sold for 33.3 BTC. Who says there are no collectibles with #bitcoin?… crrdlx Apr 25, 2024, 5:29 PM