crrdlx |
It's hard enough nowadays to…

It's hard enough nowadays to decipher what's real and what's not. There's fakes, and deep fakes, and fake news. Evidently, we're now parsing out "fake news" into sub-categories. Now we have...

genuine fake news

...which, I assume, differs from disingenuous fake news. Or, maybe, from fake news that is fake fake news.

If you're keeping score, we have:
1. news
2. fake news
3. deep fakes
4. genuine fake news
5. disingenuous fake news
6. there must then be genuine deep fakes, and...
7. disingenuous deep fakes
8. fake fake news
9. fake genuine fake news
10. fake disingenuous fake news
11. genuine deep fakes
12. disingenuous deep fakes

Are there more? Inconceivable.

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